Thursday, December 24, 2009

HP Computer Giveaway

I'm a little late here, but you have until 7:00 pm tonight to enter an awesome contest.  HP is giving away five new HP TouchSmart 600 computers!!!  Wahoo!!!  You can go to five different ladies' blogs and leave a comment...that easy!  You can read about all of the rules on the link below.  I've entered and I'm believing for a miracle.  This would be the most awesome gift to give Jay.  He would absolutely love it!  Read about all of the features and you'll see why!!!  
I Really, really want this! 
Okay, go enter and have a most wonderful and Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hello and Goodnight!

Hello!  I just have to let you know how excited I am to know that people are actually reading my blog!  I am tickled pink, in fact!  I am hoping to post more often, and hey, maybe someday I'll actually post everyday! 
One can dream... 
I would love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave a comment anytime! 
I absolutely love comments!!! 
You can follow me as well.  That way you won't miss a thing!  
I are absolutely mortified by that thought!  Well...become a follower and you'll never have to deal with such devestation.  Why put yourself through that?!!  (Kidding!)  
I am hoping to post more photos soon...well, hopefully sometime in the next century...that's my goal at least!  I find it much easier to read blogs that have lots of pictures.  I just love pictures...don't you?!!  Oh, and feel free to share my blog with's public, so anybody can view it. 

Well, I guess I should get to bed.  I just returned from a wonderful evening with a friend!  (Actually, it's been a couple of hours now.)  She took me out to her favorite restaurant as a gift to me for Christmas.  It was so sweet of her (her husband, too!  He stayed with their children!)  I told her we honestly could've gone to the grocery store, and I would've been happy!  Hey, I'm not hard to please!  I enjoyed spending time alone with her and getting out of the house!  Do you ever feel like that?  Oh, and the food was really good, too!  Don't even think about asking what I had, it was in another language and I couldn't ever remember!  It was a Mediterranean restaruant.  I tried some of her Calamari...and...I actually liked it!  Although I couldn't help feeling like I was on Fear Factor as I thought about what I was eating!  Ha!  I am feeling so refreshed now!  I'm So thankful for her...and Jay for staying home with the kids!  Although, I feel kind of bad because he really should've been studying.  He's got a really important test to take this Saturday.  Please pray for him.  I know that God will bless him for his sacrifice and for blessing me!  I'm praying God will give him some more time to study...we recently had a band concert for Abri, tomorrow night is the kid's Christmas program at school, and multiple stuff in between...busy, busy bees we are!  But he wouldn't miss their little concert for anything!  I know he'll do well though and God will miraculously provide some more study time for him! bed I go!


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Good News

Part 1
This morning I received a wonderful call from my husband! He had just gotten to work and had some news to share that he knew would make me happy. First, I’ve gotta set it up for you and give you a little background. Sorry to keep you in suspense, but those who know me well, know I just can’t give the short version!


Rewind to Saturday morning (Dec. 5th).

Jay and I had tons to do. One of those things included cleaning the garage and moving all of the riding toys, power wheels, etc. to the basement for the winter so he could start parking in there again. We have a very small 2-car garage…next time we build, I’m thinking we should get at least a 3-car OVERSIZED garage! However, I am very thankful that we can both park inside a warm garage, especially in this atrocious winter weather! For those of you who live near me, did you happen to go out today? WOW! I’m really missing Florida right now!
Are you still following me? (I got a little side-tracked…sorry.)

Back to Saturday…

We found a box in the garage that had some of Jay’s old military uniforms that we needed to go through and donate. There were two very nice warm desert camo jackets inside as well. He wanted to hang on to both, and was trying to decide why in the world he would need to keep two of the same jacket. Somehow we got on the subject of “my little guy.”

Let me tell you about him…

In the two years we’ve lived in this house, I’ve seen him walking up and down the highway and the major road that runs near our house. He seems to be carrying a load of some sort on his back, and we’ve wondered if that is all he has. We think he’s homeless. He doesn’t just meander along, he always seems to be walking with purpose. Every time we pass him, my heart just hurts for him. I want to talk to him and ask him where he’s going. I think about his family, and if they know where he is. Are they looking for him, and do they know he’s out walking in the cold everyday? I wonder if he’s lonely. Each and every time we pass him, I offer up a prayer for him. I pray for God to comfort him, keep him warm, bless him, and most importantly…to save him. Does he know God? I wonder how many times people stop to say hello to him. I am blessed with so many wonderful friends, and I wonder does he even have one friend who cares? My heart just hurts for him.” Sometimes I see him and he has a long beard, other times he’s clean shaven. I’ve seen him on the hottest summer days, and even on the miserably cold ones. We used to see a little red tent hidden by trees and brush right off the exit, and now it’s not there. I thought maybe this was his home. I want to help him so badly. I’ve thought about this and talked about it to my husband many times. He tells me that I should never talk to him or anyone in a similar situation because I’m a woman and he doesn’t want me to get hurt. I understand his concern, it’s his job to protect me and I love him for that. So I’ve always just prayed for him whenever I see him or he comes to mind.

Are you still following? (I tend to jump around a bit!)

Okay, back to Saturday…

We have our “Big Breakfast” on Saturday mornings, and it’s kind of a family tradition in our house. Jay usually makes a huge breakfast and he’s really good at this, so I just assist him (which means I clean up along the way…he’s really messy!) He’s makes the most perfect pancakes and the kids look forward to this every Saturday. So, Jay and I began to discuss breakfast as we were finishing up sorting through the box. An idea came to mind. We thought about how nice it would be to give the extra jacket to “my little guy!” We don’t see him walking everyday, so we wondered how we would actually give it to him. Then, we realized we had no eggs! You can’t have a big breakfast without eggs!!! So, Jay decided to run to the gas station nearby. We didn’t have much time because Garrison had to be at basketball practice soon. He needed to go quickly! The whole jacket thing was almost a fleeting thought, but we decided we should pray. Of course you can kind of wrestle with stuff like this. We wondered if he would take a jacket from a stranger, or if he even needed it, etc. So we offered up a quick (I mean quick) prayer for him that if he needed it, Jay would see him at the gas station and have the opportunity to give it to him. He grabbed the jacket and another one just to give him a couple of sizing options, and he left. We’re both a couple of nuts, I know!!!! He was back super quick, and I had to know if he saw him, and if he was able to offer the jacket. No, he didn’t see him. No biggie. Jay assured me that we’d see him around sometime. We quickly forgot about that whole ordeal, and went on with our day.

Fast forward to Sunday…

While driving home from church, the subject of “my little guy” and the jacket came up. (Sorry, this is seriously what I always call him…I don’t know his name!) We usually see him as we’re getting off the exit from the highway just walking along with a cup of coffee in hand. Amazing…the timing with that is so awesome! It’s not a particular time or day, we just see him as occasionally as we’re coming off the exit. Kind of neat how that seems to work! We were talking about our jacket plan and Jay mentioned that he would just keep them in his car. He said he sees him walking by sometimes on his way home from work. I was happy about that. He’s a good man (Jay), and he knew that meant a lot to me! We came home and went on with our day.

Fast forward to Today (Wednesday, Dec. 9th)…

Jay calls as soon as he gets to work to tell me some “good news.” Can you guess what it is? He says that as he was leaving the house he felt like he needed to stop by the gas station and break a five dollar bill because he needed change for a vending machine at work. He didn’t want to (it’s so cold and really windy today…I’m sure that’s why…maybe he thought he’d run late, and he’s a super punctual kind of guy…), but he felt like something was telling him that he needed to go ahead and stop. Guess who he saw inside? It was “my little guy!” My heart was so happy when he told me this, because I just knew what he was going to say next! He told me the whole story…I’ll skip the details, although it was a rather brief encounter. Basically, the guy took a jacket and was thankful. Jay said he seemed like a nice man! He said he took the jacket, got his coffee, and he was gone. I’m so proud of him! He’s a good man! I’m so very happy most of all, that God heard and answered our prayers! Remember, we prayed that if he needed a jacket, that Jay would see him in the gas station. It’s so awesome how that worked out! He’s not in the habit of stopping at the gas station in the morning on the way to work, but I’m so glad he did. I know that it was God who led them both there this morning. I wonder if “my little guy” just needed a little extra warmth on this very, very cold and windy morning. I wonder if maybe he just needed to hear the kind words of a stranger, and though brief, talk with someone who cared about his well-being. I will continue to pray for “my little guy.” I pray that God blesses him and takes care of him, especially through these cold winter months. I know that having a warm home and a full tummy while we live here on earth is meaningless if we will never make it to the grand feast that God is preparing for us in our eternal home in Heaven. So most importantly, I pray that he receive Jesus as his Savior, and that although he may not have an earthly home, one day he’ll be able to move into his mansion in Heaven that God is preparing for all of His children.

John 14:2-3 "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

And I’m hopeful that one day I’ll get to meet him…whether it’s here on earth or in Heaven! What about you? Are you prepared to meet God in Heaven someday? Well, I have some “Good News” for you!

1. God made a way for us to come to Heaven to be with Him and our loved ones once our lives here on earth are over!

Luke 2:10-11 "But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ[a] the Lord."

Jesus came to save us from our sins!

'“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.”'

2. We must repent and turn from our sins to be in rightstanding with God.

Romans 10:9 "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."

3. We must share this Good News with others!

Luke 16:15 "And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone."

There's so much more Good News that God has for us!  We can only have the best and most fulfilled life with Him.  He loves you so much!  It's so important to read your Bible (I prefer New Living thees &'s the way we talk today!), and go to a church that teaches everything that's in the Bible!  If you've taken these steps, you now have a new life!  If you've confessed your sin, everything you've done in the past is forgotten!  As a matter of fact, you are a whole new person, and God can help you to be a better person and live a better life!

2 Corinthians 5:17 "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Isn't that Good News?
If you mess up, you have an opportunity to start all over again!

Lamentations 3:22-23 "The faithful love of the Lord never ends!  His mercies never cease.  Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning."
We'll talk more later... 

Continued here!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Early Christmas Gifts

Santa came a little early this year...well, at least for Kaylani!  Lily doesn't have a clue about what's going on now, she's only one!  Abri and Garrison are eight and ten, so they're over the whole Santa deal now!  But Kaylani believes he's Jesus' good helper that gives presents to all the kids for Jesus' birthday!  That works for me!  But, I'm thinking a good movie will help ingrain some truth!  Any ideas?  She believes everything she watches, and you know how little ones can watch movies over and over again!  So I'm on the lookout for a good little movie that will help her understand the real story of Christmas.  She's three, so because she's "seen" Santa, he's real to her... just like Mickey Mouse or Chuck E. Cheese!  Ha!  But it's important that she know why Santa comes and gives presents...the real reason we celebrate Christmas. 

So, back to Christmas' early debut...

We received a little package in the mail from our good friends Mary and Jeff and their two little ones, Emmy and Grant.  It contained gifts for all four of our kids.  How very sweet!  They looked so pretty tied up with satin ribbons!

I am always so amazed by Mary!  She's always early or on time, she's got exceptional organizational skills, and she's pretty stinkin' crafty, too!!!  She's a neat gal!  I'm very thankful for her and her family.  My husband and Mary's brother were friends growing up, and they pretty much grew up together.  This family kind of became his surrogate family (ha!), and he tells me all the time how thankful he is that God put them in his life.  Their influence really helped to shape him into the man he is today!  He recently shared with me one of his favorite scriptures: "For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)  I'm so thankful that God's plans for us are "good," and that he provides us with so many opportunities so that we can have that wonderful "future" and the "hope" that he's promised! 

Here are a few photos of the kids with their gifts.  They really enjoyed receiving early Christmas gifts, and Emmy ;) did a great job picking out something that each of them really liked!  Thank you, Emmy, for helping Santa out this year!  We love you guys!

Abri loves her "girly" stuff!

Garrison loves any type of game!

Kaylani with her Baby Bear!

Lily loves babies!!!

The kids loved their gifts, and they were all playing so nicely!


Lily spotted Kaylani's bear!

"Oh no!"

"Uh oh, here she comes!"

"No, it's MINE!!!"

"But...I want it!"


At this point Daddy almost rushed out to Target to see if he could find Lily a bear just like Kaylani's.  Sweet Daddy!!!  But, Abri reminded Lily of her little baby again...

" baby?  Well, I'm still not too happy about this!"

"Oh yeah...thanks, Big Sister!"

And they all lived happily ever after!


Monday, November 23, 2009

A Little Help Here

My husband wants to buy me a (much-needed) new camera and asked what would make me happy.  Isn't he sweet?!!!  But I really need some help!  C'mon ya'll...what's going to make me happy?  I need some thoughts, 'cause although I love to take pictures and want a really cool camera that does really cool things, I know nothing about photography!  I've been wanting a nice camera for a few years now, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity.  I know it's gonna cost a bit, so I want to make a good decision.  Here's the main feature I  want-a camera that lets you keep pushing the button without pausing and having to refocus-what's that...a fast shutter speed...continuous shutter speed? Ha! See, I need some help people!  Any suggestions on a really nice camera that will take professional-looking photos?  Thanks!  :-)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Christmas is Coming!

Yes, Christmas is right around the corner and will be here before you know it!  Yay!!!  But, it's so easy to get wrapped up in all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and forget the real meaning. This season, we are starting a new tradition in our family. We are going to make an effort to reach out to others in need and share Christ's love by sending Christmas gifts to children. There are so many ways to do this. To name a few, Operation Christmas Child, Toys for Tots, and Angel Tree. I’m sure there are others, too! Whichever one(s) you choose, get involved!!!  Put a smile on a child's face this Christmas and share with those in need. Often times the “little” we think we have is so much more than what a lot of others have. It's a small sacrifice that really blesses children. Jesus gave us the greatest example of giving by offering his life as a ransom for us!

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

What a fun way to get your kids involved and teach them to share with others! Be sure to check out the links below! These organizations make it so easy to give in a more tangible way than just a monetary donation. With some of these, you can actually go shopping for the kids and give them something they really want!  Get busy now so you don’t miss out!


Friday, October 30, 2009


Hello!  We've been super busy around here the past week.  Whew! Halloween is tomorrow and I've been busy busy busy trying to get everyone's costumes ready.  So far...we have Mario and Miss Kitty!

Today the kids got to wear their costumes to school. They were so excited!  Tomorrow night is our Fall Festival at church.  The kids always have so much fun there, and I'm glad my church goes to all the trouble to organize such a fun event every year for both our kids and the community.

So...I said I've been busy, right?....Well, my mouth has been super busy, too!  If perhaps you call me on the phone and I answer by saying, "Put the kitty down," please forgive me!  It seems that is all I've said since Tuesday.  In case you're wondering, we have a new addition to our family!  It's a beautiful little kitten.  She's a Persian kitty with Tabby markings.  We are all in love with her, and she's so sweet!  Meet our "Angel!"  

I know she's gonna get plenty of love around here!  The kids can't seem to get enough of her.  Lily even climbed the gate to give the kitty some lovin'!!!

Kaylani has big plans for our kitty.  She has been trying to teach her tricks and everything! 
I've been praying for our little kitty because I want her to always be with us...if you know what I mean!  I'm sure I'll be writing a lot about Kaylani and her kitty.  Oh, my mom wrote a little book for Kaylani a few months ago.  It was the cutest thing!  I think it was titled, "Kaylani and her Kitty."  You see, Kaylani's been talking about her kitty for about a year now.  She's been asking almost daily "Mommy, where's my kitty?"  I think maybe she just wonders why she doesn't have one.  My mom's book is basically about this question.  She worked so hard on it, and it was really sweet!  Maybe I'll share some lines from it someday.  It was really funny and made us all laugh.  Especially me!  My mom is very silly like me and we both love to laugh.  Well...
Happy Halloween! 
"Miss Kitty"

 "Stephanie from Lazytown
A little "Ladybug" & "Super Mario"

Thursday, October 29, 2009

“New Life”

2 Cor. 5:17
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

My Mom came for a visit during the month of June. We had a good time just simply hanging out and playing with the kids. One thing I’ve always noticed about her is that she likes to leave things behind before she leaves. She’ll either bring some trinkets she’s picked up for the kids, or start a project with me, etc. She’s very persuasive, and seems to convince me every time that I need to have or do what she is suggesting! For example, during one of her last visits she decided I needed to re-pot a plant I had neglected, and decided that this plant needed a friend. She surprised me with a bigger pot for the poor little guy and a new friend for him. How sweet! She loves plants, and has her very own...
Tropical Rain Forest!

Back to the June visit…

She rescued an avocado seed I was throwing out, and showed me how to plant it. Well, you don’t actually plant it right away….let me show you….

This is a little “project” we did when she came. I told you she’s always leaving something behind. I guess she plants seeds in a way! Thanks, Momma!!! This picture was taken a good while after she left. The kids and I decided to “plant” another one. I was excited and had almost given up and thrown the seeds out when I noticed a little sprout coming out of the bottom. Roots had started to grow! Yay!!! It took forever. From June until September to sprout roots…whew!!! They grew and grew….and….here they are now…

I moved them into something bigger so the roots could have more room to grow. They’re nice and comfy now! I recently gave their old homes away. Now they have two new friends….

Wow…this is fun! The kids have enjoyed watching them grow, though it’s been a long process.

Our avocados have received a new life through these seeds. Kind of neat, huh?!! As I pondered all of this, and I’ve watched these little seeds sprout and grow, I thought about all the changes that are taking place in our lives. In Christ, we shed our old lives, and we begin a new life. 2 Cor. 5:17 Just like my little avocado friends, we’re able to put away our old nature/old self, and become like Christ…we have a NEW LIFE!!! I also like the Amplified’s version:

“Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come!”

We’ve been on a wonderful journey recently. My husband separated from the military and had to depend on God to provide a job for him. There are so many details that I’m skipping over, (maybe I’ll do a separate entry sometime about this!) but it was much harder…and longer than we had originally anticipated. However, God is faithful and we felt His leading even through some difficult and doubtful times. I am so thankful for this time, because it produced much fruit in our lives. I am jumping up and down for joy on the inside, but it’s so hard to put into words what God has done…and is doing! (I really need a whole separate post about this job thing!)  :)

I have seen some major changes in my husband in particular. Throughout the whole ordeal of waiting for a job and depending on God to come through, he was so very, very patient and full of faith. I was so proud!!! Don’t get me wrong we both had a couple of days that were disappointing, and we were down and doubting, but for the most part…yes, I said “most”….he was trusting in and believing for God to provide and work everything out! Amen!!! This waiting on God and patience has actually produced more of the fruit of patience in his life. I have seen and am seeing a more patient man in all areas of his life. Again, I am jumping for joy on the inside, rejoicing at what God has done! There is something different about him. He’s always been a great man, great husband, great father, etc…but something’s different. God has been at work! It reminds me again of my little avocado seeds. There was something going on inside those seeds though I didn’t yet see anything. It took awhile, but eventually I saw the promise of an avocado tree through the roots, then the little shoot at the top. Had I given up too soon when I didn’t see anything happening and thrown it out, I would’ve missed out. So be patient!!! Even though we can’t always see what God is doing, He’s always at work! This is one of my favorite verses and a dear promise I’ve kept in my heart for my loved ones.

Philippians 2:13 “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”

And a-working God has been!!! Sunday during church, my husband whispered in my ear that he felt we needed to increase our monthly giving. Wow!!! Again, I am so proud of his faith. My pastor always talks of giving as being “an indicator of your heart’s openness to God.” God has definitely been giving him a heart that is more open! My heart leapt for joy when he told me this!!! And…last night (well, it’s after midnight…so Wednesday night), he came in and read Garrison’s devotion. There are so many other changes in him and in our lives that I could praise God for, but it’s these subtle small changes that my heart is really taking delight in. I praise God for His faithfulness in my life each and every day for the things I see…and the things I don’t see and fail to appreciate. I have a body, with breath, and a family who loves me, a husband and children to delight in, a home, vehicles to get us around, a wonderful church home, the privilege of being a stay-at-home mom (whom her husband would not have it any other way and fully supports her to continue), did I mention a roof over my head?...healthy children, and the list goes on……Praise God!!!

Ephesians 3:20
“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."

You know, we actually have to remember that the seed alone is a promise. These little avocado seeds are the promise of a tree. Does that make sense? The seed not only holds the promise within…it is the promise! Another dear promise:

Philippians 1:6
“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

Speaking of promises….


I saw this wonderful promise above my little home recently and was taken aback at such a beautiful sight!!! My camera does not do it justice. (Sorry, I'm not the best photograher either!) I saw a perfectly formed rainbow over my house. Not kidding…we walked up the street and down it a bit just to see, and it was directly over our house! What an amazing sight! Here’s what happened:

The kids and I got all ready with shoes and such, and we were going to take a little walk to collect some leaves for a project Abri had for school. We were headed to the cul-de-sac at the end of our street. There aren’t any houses built there yet, but behind it there are lots of big trees. Right as we walked out the door it started to sprinkle. It was one of those rare days where it is was raining, but the sun was out. Pretty neat! Kind of strange though because I don’t think I’ve ever seen this, but the rain looked like mist coming down. Very odd, but very beautiful. The kids were amazed at this…as was I! We waited it out for a few minutes and made a couple more attempts, each time ending up in the garage to wait it out again. We finally got to take the walk and upon our return to the house, we were greeted by this lovely rainbow! This was one of those times where I felt like this wasn’t just something to ignore. God really got my attention. It was like he was smiling on down on us! We were actually going through one of the toughest times in my husband’s job search as it was really getting down to the wire. He NEEDED a job! A rainbow represents a promise. Remember the story of Noah and the Ark? Well, God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood again and set the rainbow in the sky as a promise to all generations. During this “stormy” time in our life, it was almost as if God was reminding me that just as He has been faithful for all these generations, that He remembers His promises. He has not forgotten about us! My heart smiled and I savored this precious moment. In that moment I pondered all that God has done for us and in our lives. I knew everything was coming together and that all was well! It was a beautiful moment. I felt such a wonderful peace in my heart. The kids were amazed as it seemed to grow brighter and more visible by the second. This was the most visible rainbow I’ve ever seen in my life! God is faithful and He is very present in our lives!

Psalm 20:1a &4

“In times of trouble, may the LORD answer your cry. May he grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed.”

Here’s a little video footage I got with my camera…Enjoy!!!
Nevermind that! I couldn’t quite figure it out. I wish I could share…perhaps another time!

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keep Trying!

Yay!!!  It worked.  Well, somewhat...I need to make a few adjustments here and there.  But...I can see it, so that's good!  "If at first you don't suceed, try try again."  Someone famous said this, right?  Or was it from the classic story about the little train that could....well, I don't know...but you get what I'm saying!  Like the song on YO Gabba Gabba says, "Keep trying, keep trying...don't give up, don't give up!" my husband always tells my children, "practice makes perfect!"  Except of course if you're a perfectionist like me!  These three little words can get you into a lot of trouble, and you can end up really frustrated!  So, "try" and "try again" and well, maybe once or twice more...then give up and go to Plan B, whatever that might be!  You'll save yourself lots of time and frustration.


Hello World!  I'm working on my signature and can't seem to get it figured out.  I'm new to blogging and learning how it all works.  If only I could just be simple!  I'm sure what I actually blog about is more important than how my blog actually looks, right?  Oh well, I guess I'll get it eventually.