Friday, January 28, 2011

Good Stuff

 Matthew Barnett spoke at our church on Wed. night (1/26). You really should go listen online...  It was AWESOME and he was so funny!  The message was LIFE-CHANGING!  Seriously!  It was based on this book:
It will be released soon (Feb. 1st I think).  I'm sure the book is great, and (I believe he said) 100% of the book's sales will go back into a new ministry in The Dream Center that helps victims of human trafficking.  Go check it out HERE at  

Okay, so as we were driving home from church, I asked what all the kids learned about in their classes.  This is what we usually do on the way home from church, and I will sometimes share what I learned in my "class," as Kaylani calls it.  So I shared some of the highlights from the message.  At some point, I had to explain what The Dream Center is so everything made sense.  When I mentioned that one of the things The Dream Center does is helps the homeless, Garrison made the sweetest and most sincere comment.  I said something like, "they go out and find homeless people and...."  His response was, "I hope they find the homeless man we always see walking." He said something like that and he was so serious!  I could have cried...and laughed!  He's got such a tender heart and really hates that people have to suffer.  I had to restrain myself from laughing at the same time because we live in the Midwest...The Dream Center is in California!  He must have missed that detail...he's so precious!  I hope he's found too!  Until then, we'll continue to pray for him.  You can read more about him HERE.

If you're curious about The Dream Center, go Here  
It's an AWESOME ministry that's making an eternal impact on MANY lives!  Go check it out!

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