The house is quiet. I should really be sleeping. It's 12:30. Uhhh...that's A.M.!!! I could swear I'm allergic to sleep. I'm allergic to nearly everything on the planet, so it 's possible...right?!! I am tired, but I'm staying up to watch something. I don't really even watch much t.v. No time for it. But while I was nursing Lily tonight I decided to channel surf and came across something ever so delightful. The problem was that it wasn't coming on until 12:30. Yes! A.M.!!! No problem, I set the DVR to record it. Except I really want to watch it now. Why you ask? (And I know you were asking!) Because Silly, it's House Hunter's International. And guess what this episode is about? Yes, you guessed it...SPAIN! I couldn't resist. This is where our family wants to move. No, really! Hubbers applied for a position in Rota, Spain. We're praying. Waiting. You just never know. So of course I just have to watch. I'm excited! I'm relishing the moment. Then afterward, I'm heading to bed. Early soccer game tomorrow. Night night!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I have a confession to make.
Okay, so I admit it. I'm in LOVE with...

C'mon, do you blame me? Super cuteness wrapped up in one place! It's a recipe for trouble! And these little boogers give me 4 more reasons to shop there!
Okay, so I admit it. I'm in LOVE with...

C'mon, do you blame me? Super cuteness wrapped up in one place! It's a recipe for trouble! And these little boogers give me 4 more reasons to shop there!
4 more reasons it's harder to resist!
Now let me give you another...
This girl!
Please don't be fooled by this sweet innocent face. She's DANGEROUS! Why, you ask??? She asks me to go. Did you hear me? ASKS ME TO GO!!! What's a mother to do? I'll tell you...take her sweet innocent daughter to Target what else?!!
Now let me give you another...
This girl!
Please don't be fooled by this sweet innocent face. She's DANGEROUS! Why, you ask??? She asks me to go. Did you hear me? ASKS ME TO GO!!! What's a mother to do? I'll tell you...take her sweet innocent daughter to Target what else?!!
I try to be so good. I won't go there for days...DAYS I tell ya! Then...I start getting this funny feeling. Maybe you get it too. A feeling like, "I HAVEN'T BEEN TO TARGET IN DAYS!!!" Do you get that feeling sometimes? Am I the ONLY one?
I have a theory.
There's a big, HUGE magnet somewhere in that store.
I think it's IN the BULLSEYE. Think about it! Huh? Make sense? Only...this magnet attracts people! (Especially ones that look like me and have the name NIKI! ;) Seriously! It attracts metal AND people!!! Those clever Target folks are probably using some type of mind control. Think about it now. How many times have you been driving along with a LONG list of errands...when ALL OF A SUDDEN you change course! Just like that, and you find yourself on your way to TARGET! Some lame excuse pops in your head. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever, BUT...IT WORKS! feels SO GOOD!!! 'Cause you're on your way to have a REASON to be going! So when your hubby calls you on your cell and asks, "what store are you in today?" You can PROUDLY tell him, "I'm at TARGET, BUT...(fill in the blank here with your lame excuse!) Works like a charm!!! Really, I do it all the time and my hubby still loves me!!!
I have a theory.
There's a big, HUGE magnet somewhere in that store.
I think it's IN the BULLSEYE. Think about it! Huh? Make sense? Only...this magnet attracts people! (Especially ones that look like me and have the name NIKI! ;) Seriously! It attracts metal AND people!!! Those clever Target folks are probably using some type of mind control. Think about it now. How many times have you been driving along with a LONG list of errands...when ALL OF A SUDDEN you change course! Just like that, and you find yourself on your way to TARGET! Some lame excuse pops in your head. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever, BUT...IT WORKS! feels SO GOOD!!! 'Cause you're on your way to have a REASON to be going! So when your hubby calls you on your cell and asks, "what store are you in today?" You can PROUDLY tell him, "I'm at TARGET, BUT...(fill in the blank here with your lame excuse!) Works like a charm!!! Really, I do it all the time and my hubby still loves me!!!
Here's my latest story in a nutshell...
Going to a movie night with my Bible study gals (M.O.M.'s group-I Love ya'll!). On the way, I figure I need some sinus meds. My solution...TARGET! Understand? Let me break it down for you. It's simple math. Really!
Girls Movie Night + Sinus Meds + NO CHILDREN, NO, NOT A SINGLE ONE = TARGET
Make sense? I was on my way to the movie night. I decided that I needed to buy some sinus medicine. (I really was suffering from a sinus headache!) I had no children with me, so I could get in and out so quickly I told myself. The more I thought about it (BEWARE...they use MIND CONTROL!), the more the car just drove towards's the MAGNET! THE MAGNET I TELL YOU! Let me break it down with another math lesson...
DRIVING + BULLSEYE (I'm not going to metion any names here...TARGET)=ATTRACTION & LESS MONEY!!!
Maybe there's a bit of Science going on here too. I can't explain it. 3O minutes later, I'm walking to the parking lot with at least 3 bags in my hands! TERRIBLE! I was just going to watch a movie, People. A MOVIE! How does it happen? Well it all goes back to the MAGNET and MIND CONTROL. True, it's just my little theory, but I can no longer suffer in silence. I must tell the world, particularly the women of the world to please BEWARE of this evil beast TARGET! This sweet, deliciously, super-cute evil beast that I oh-so-love. It's POWERFUL!!! Don't go in there, I BEG of you, please! For the love of your husband, your wallet, your dear sweet children...
WAIT! Those are all GREAT reasons to go...oh no, stop! Wait, to TARGET! Run like the the BIG RED BULLSEYE. It's calling you hear it? But please, DO NOT look immediately to your right when you walk through those sweet precious double doors that open so nice and automatically for you! PLEASE DON'T! For if you do, you will have one more lame excuse to come to TARGET...
We just won't go there!
What clever genius person thought to put a STARBUCKS store inside TARGET?!! Evil...pure evil I tell you! I'm not even a regular coffee drinker, and I just can't resist! Got another theory for you...
The TARGET people and the STARBUCKS people are working together! Think about it! C'mon now...why else would STARBUCKS be inside TARGET? It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out! And get theory...hear me out...the lady on the STARBUCKS sign...she's helping out with that mind control thing! SERIOUSLY! Have you ever seen her? Sure you have...every time you get a cup of that sweet goodness you can't help but stare at the logo and wonder, "what the crap is she all about?" I'm telling you, they're working together. BEWARE! The first time you walk through the doors and look to the right (DON'T DO IT!), and you see STARBUCKS and take a big whiff of that fresh brewed will find yourself mindlessly walking through the TARGET doors and grabbing your cup of Joe and things will start flying into your basket at the speed of light! WATCH OUT! Don't let me get started on the Clearance stuff! Okay, enough of my madness. I really do have a problem. If you love me, here are some ways you can help me (or someone you know...or yourself!).
1. Please DON'T tell me you got it at TARGET!
2. PLEASE don't tell me you got it on CLEARANCE at TARGET!
3. If I ask where you got it and it's from TARGET, don't lie to me (I hate lies), just ignore the question...I'm easily distracted...quickly start a new subject and talk really fast!
4. Please NEVER ask me to go to TARGET with you! We will no longer be won't like me anymore. No really, I don't know when to leave. I stay way too long! For friendships' sake, please just DON'T!
5. Please don't ask me to go to the STARBUCKS in TARGET. C'mon...we know what that will lead to...SHOPPING! Need I say more?
6. Call me occasionally. If I don't answer my home phone, QUICKLY call my cell phone. Ask me if I'm at TARGET. If I am, tell me to leave. :)
7. Put my cell phone # on speed dial. Thanks! ;)
8. NEVER, EVER bring up TARGET in a conversation with me...or anyone near me that's within earshot! It causes me to get that know the one...where "I haven't been to TARGET in a while...hmmm!"
And the cycle continues!!!
Okay, I'm sure my husband (and yours) will thank you if you follow these simple rules.
The madness has to stop, People. I can't go on like this. I've become a "if I don't find it at one TARGET, I'll go to the 2 other TARGETS to get it in the same day," kind of gal. I've got it bad I tell ya! Is there a cure for this? Seriously. There is a worker at the TARGET by my house (4 minutes up the road...I've timed it!). It's gotten this bad...this worker will see me sometimes once or twice a week and still ask, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in here latlely." Yeah, they know me...they know my kids...they know how often I come. Scary! I'm wondering if there are others out there like me? Don't suffer in silence. We can talk about this! If you're interested, maybe we can go shopping at TARGET and discuss it over a cup of WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA!!! HA! ;)
(Ya'll know I'm kidding, right? I just love TARGET that's all!)
Go now. Grab some coffee. Shop. Look at all the Clearance spots.
Be Happy!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dose of Hope
My heart is so heavy tonight for those who are
less fortunate,
the flood victims,
any victim,
this world gone astray...
LORD please give us HOPE.
You have the answers.
You ARE the answer.
We need YOU!
For those who are sick,
I pray you may be healed.
I Peter 2:24
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."
"He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed."
If you're hurting,
I pray you find comfort.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, Who loved us and gave us everlasting consolation and encouragement and well-founded hope through His grace (unmerited favor), comfort and encourage your hearts and strengthen them (make them steadfast and keep them unswerving) in every good work and word..."
If you're in need of HOPE,
my prayer is this...
Romans 15:13
"May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope."
And I pray you'll say...
Psalm 71:14
"But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more."
And for my heavy heart tonight,
I remind myself...
Psalm 45:3
"Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my [sad] countenance, and my God."
And for my heavy heart tonight,
I remind myself...
Psalm 45:3
"Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the help of my [sad] countenance, and my God."

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Word to the Mothas!
To all of you Mom's out there who can totally relate, I dedicate this video to you! It's really cute! You know this is what you've been thinking all along...the Sienna folks probably took the words right out of your mouth!
Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day,
Sienna Family Video
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Birthday Stuff and more CrAZy Stuff
Kaylani had a wonderful time at her
Build-A-Bear Party!
It was kind of crazy and chaotic, but she had fun! I think I kind of like
CrAzY CHaOs!
My life feels like it's full of it. I feel like a camera crew should be following us around. That would be some good television! There's never a dull moment in our household that's for sure! But I love it!
Seriously, what would life be like if everything was perfect? My life is far from perfect (contrary to popular belief!) Ha! Just kidding! But I really do love it, and I'm so blessed and so thankful. Now back to the
CrAzY CHaOs!
CrAzY CHaOs!
I will hopefully post some birthday pictures sometime in the next decade! My dear husband recently called me a "picture hog." Can you believe that? A picture hog?! Actually, I must confess I am guilty of taking enough pictures to annoy the crap out of any sane person, child, animal, or object...and those same pictures never get past the save button on my computer!
So to all of those whom I've excitedly snapped tons of pictures of...which they've never gotten the pleasure of ever seeing...
I'm so so very sorry...a very BiG SORrY.
It must be all of the
CrAzY CHaOs!
CrAzY CHaOs!
But don't worry...
I will get those to you someday!
Someday...ah yes, someday!
I can't believe my sweet angel girl is 4!
Always remember this...
"It's not a sandwich, it's a Tortada!
(What the crap is a Tortads btw?)
(What the crap is a Tortads btw?)
Word to your Mutha!
No seriously, Sunday IS
Mother's Day!
Don't forget about yo Mommas!
Don't forget about yo Mommas!
I love me some my Momma!
(Hi, Mom! Look I'm on t.v.! I mean computer!)
Okay, I better go to bed before you start to worry about me!
Mother's Day,
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